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The Forum

The forum pages are arranged to highlight numerous finance related topics. This is where you can find resources, tools, and materials from across the internet that numerous students and I have gathered over the past several years. Ranging from the basic to the advanced, there are numerous topics to explore to keep an eye (get it?) on your finances!


Personal finance education should start early at both home and school. Ideally, personal finance concepts should be taught in elementary, middle and high school, and should continue into college. Unfortunately, the reality is that many states and school districts do not provide any substantive personal finance education.


With this in mind, this site was created to collect and share finance related content with my students - both past and present. The intent is to help you develop your financial understanding and make you more capable in financial matters. Through the sharing of resources and materials, we can all benefit and grow.


The material is offered solely for your education and personal growth and should not be considered financial advice.  Feel free to contact me with suggestions for additional content resources others might find beneficial. 


To your health and wealth...

Dr Beauvais

Dollar Notes
Five Simple Wealth
Building Tips

Create a budget!

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